Why are you the new standard of care?

In our work with start ups we want to establish a meaningful and trustworthy dialog about the future of care. To make this possible, we are transparent about our philosophy. Which is based on helping good ideas break through the high barriers to entry in healthcare, caused by a complex and structurally conservative system. We think „the system“ is in need of innovation from the outside to deliver its original value proposition: providing accessible and affordable high quality care for everyone. Innovation is needed especially in the fields of prevention, patient orientation and nursing care, our areas of focus.

This might give you a first impression of the kind of innovations we are looking for. But normally there are a plenty of questions reaching us to prepare relevant information in form of pitch decks or equity stories.

We want to make this preparation a little easier for you. That’s why we share three questions here upfront, we will ask you anyway.

1. What are your winning insights about serving a specific medical need in the future? What outcomes do you want to improve and how? There should be 2 to 4 new insights, the health care system has not addressed yet, but will have to in the near future.

2. What is the technological core of your solution and why is it protectable (unique IP), scalable and tailored to the specific need? Technological does not only refer to hard- or software. It can also include the „technology“ of a novel business model.

3. What is the one main thing, you want to get better in? Yeah, that‘s hard to say, but we really mean only one thing.

Through these three questions we are trying to find out, why you will be an obligate part of the future standard of care in prevention, diagnosis or therapy in three to five years.

If that seems possible and the healthcare system would benefit through a more accessible and affordable way of delivering high quality care, we think we can help you overcome all barriers. Let us figure out how, together.